
Anbefalinger om EIBI

Etter professor Løvås sine publikasjoner, har programmet blitt betegnet Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention, – forkortet EIBI. Flere offentlige myndigheter har anbefalt EIBI som tiltak for barn med autisme:

1) American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1999)

2) American Academy of Pediatrics (2001)

3) Autism Society of America (1998)

4) California Departments of Education and Developmental Services (1997)

5) Clinical Practice Guideline Development Panel (1999)

6) Committee on Educational Interventions for Children with Autism (2001)

7) Department of Education & Science, Dublin, October 2001

8) Maine Administrators of Services for Children with Disabililties (2000)

9) New York State Department of Health (1999)

10) Task Force on Autism (2001)

11) U.S. Surgeon General (1999)

12) Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, (1997)